2013年2月25日 星期一



黃崑巖先生曾說過:教養有如一陣風,人人都能覺知風的存在,感受過吹面不寒楊柳風的柔和、柔軟與溫馨;也見過樹葉在風中飄落的落寞與寂然,當然更看過枝葉搖曳在風中,誰見過風?正如英國詩人克莉絲蒂娜 . 羅賽蒂所寫的誰見過風?總是在不經意時讓人恍然它的存在,人際間不也如此?

Who has seen the wind?

Neither I nor you;

But when the leaves hang trembling

The wind is passing thro!
Christina Georgiana Rossetti

克莉絲蒂娜 . 羅賽蒂(英國)






2013年2月20日 星期三

insight and highlight

Keep your mind set in the right direction
 電影「少年Pi 的奇幻漂流」(Life of Pi) 導演李安在選角的時候,選上了一個十七歲沒沒無聞的印度少年,李安相信他找到的是一位「因純真而吸引人注意,因深沉性格楚楚動人」的主角。”The innocence to capture our attention and the depth of character to break our hearts.” 對人性的刻畫應在選角時即已清楚描述,也是影片成功的因素,朝向對的方向邁進。
I filled my mind with thoughts of hope , faith, and victory. I developed a fresh vision expecting things to change for better. Therefore, If you walk with wise men, then you’re going to become wise. If you associate with successful people, before long you will become successful. Their enthusiasm will be contagious and you will catch that vision. If you stay in an atmosphere of victory, before long you’re going to have an image of victory. If you hang around people of faith before long you’re going to be filled with faith.
If you have a vision of victory for your life, you can rise to a new level.

2013年2月19日 星期二

Toward My Mind

We move toward what we see in our mind.

If you can see it, it is likely to come to pass in your life.

朝向心靈熱望 就能在生活中實現


  What about you? When you look into your future, what do you see? Do you see yourself getting stronger, healthier, happier, your life filled with blessings, favor, and victory? If you can see it, it can come to pass. I wanted to expose myself to an atmosphere of success. I wanted to be in a place where I could keep my hopes up. I wanted to get into an environment where I could dream of victories.

  Go find somewhere you can dream. It may be in a home; It may be in a school. Find someplace where you can dare to dream big dreams; a place where your faith will be elevated. Get into an atmosphere of victory, where people build you up. Find a place where people will encourage you and challenge you to be the best you can be. Find a place where people inspire you to reach for new heights.

you have to envision good things happening to you. Yes I can .




2013年2月18日 星期一



  New year I wrote an article that discussed my views and opinions about my resolutions. Well here is my resolution. My 2013 goals are to become more conscious of the things I think and say. I don't know if you realize it, but there is a lot of power in the thought that we have and the words that we say.

   I with this thought: Ask, Seek, Knock.
 Ask, and you will receive;請求,你將得到;
 seek and you will find; 探索,你將發現
knock, and the door will be opened for you. 敲門,門將為你開

For everyone who ask will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for. I’m changing the way think by increasing my expectations.

2013年2月4日 星期一

Focus on My Goal



My had been tempted tried to changing……, I watched each success person, I pictured myself in that situation. I pictured myself receiving the honor. I picture myself walking down the runway in the honor. Time and time again I envisioned myself honor. Seeing myself as a winner, was the key to my success, I have to develop a can-do attitude. I stepping onto the performer’s platform. I ‘m telling myself walking down that runway in hopeful. I creating an environment of faith and success.

“What you keep before your eyes will affect you. You will produce what you’re continually seeing in your mind.”  Your life is not going to change until you first change your thinking. If you develop an image of victory, success, health, abundance, joy, peace, and happiness, nothing on earth will be able to hold those things from you.

Therefore, when I get up in the morning I need to have the attitude of: I’m going to do something great. I’m going to excel in my career. I’m going to enthusiastically serve other people. I’m going to break out of this mold and rise to new heights.

Today is the last day for school open , tomorrow The Chinese new year vacation is beginning, I will come to Beijing with my husband, I hope a joy holiday, and I wish when I return Taiwan I have a new life and a new work. I believe, I can and all things are possible, I will forward. My mother said: ”Future hold on my hand “. So I must pursue and with my heart, I say to myself : success, I can.

Envision Success &Reject Mediocrity

預見成功 拒絕平庸


As long as I can imagine it, as long as I can see it, then it is going to happen for me. I correctly realized that my own thoughts and attitudes were rejecting me to mediocrity. Therefore, I determined then and there to start believing better of myself, and believing better of my mind.

It’s the same way with me, I have to conceive it on the inside before I’m ever going to receive it on the outside. I think I can have something good, then I can will. The hopeful is in my mind.

I must to conceive, I must have an image on the inside of the life I want to live on the outside. This image has to become a part of mine, in my thoughts, my conversation, deep down in my subconscious mind , in my action, in every part of my being.

2013年2月1日 星期五


My Best Life Now


I often dream of living a more rewarding life. I aspire to a better job and service more people, I wish for more gratifying relationships with my family and friends. Therefor I simply want to accomplish more for future generations.

Yesterday I have written some goals and dreams on a list that’s titled “Tomorrow’s To DO.” Today I change my list that's titled " Today's To Do". I pursue what’s truly important to me, I hope I have a clear goal and I can accomplishment every day. .

Today I begin break out and experience the full potential . I think about my life and help I accomplish what’s truly important. In this straightforward guide, gives myself a way to improve my life for good and help I experience victory, joy, and satisfaction every day!