2014年4月28日 星期一


激發潛能 培養自尊




    No life is completely immune to those, in other word, we can use is of an engine. If we have a small engine and we have to pull the car up a steep hill, a difficult hill, the engine is more likely to collapse, to blow up. Whereas if our engine is large, we are much more likely to get up that hill, and to do it gracefully with relative ease. So we cultivate the positive, we are strengthening our, metaphorically speaking, psychological engine. Help student cultivate capacity, the capacity to deal with these difficulties and hardships when they arise and they will arise. In other words, there has to be more resources put in places such as helping students identity their passions when they come here, helping students identity their sense of meaning in life, helping students identity what they really, really, really want to do. Helping students overcome the pull, the external pull that is often there, taking them away from their core, helping them chip away those limitations, those voices, helping students identify who they really are, helping students identify their strengths, and pursing those while here at Fuhsing. All these capabilities.

    All these skills or skills that are mostly and I’m not just talking about Fuhsing, globally- not taught in schools, and we need to teach students. And think “How can I make this world a better place?” Passionate. Idealistic Good-in the deep sense, good. This desire to make a difference come into just about all students. There are many people who talk about this generation as the “ME” generation all care about all this generation care about is “well, let me just make make more money”, ”let me just get a bigger house”, “let me just be more succeed and accrue more honor, more prestige. Teenage had all the good intentions in the world, I have all the good intention in the world. I want to do good. I’ve donated my time, my money. But I feel that something is missing, I feel that I’ve fallen short of my potential to really make a difference. Why? Because good will and idealism, while necessary, they are not sufficient. Not enough. Because very often, with very good intentions, we may fall short of what we are capable of doing or in some situation, even hurt more than help. And we’ll Look at some of these studies hopefully still today with very good intentions actually hurt more they helped.

    If we see the seed of greatness in the students that seed of greatness is more likely to flourish. And again, that’s important. But it’s also important to know how to praise. 

2014年4月23日 星期三







  No longer, ”why do so many individuals fail?” but started to ask ”what do some individuals do and succeed? Why do some individuals succeed? Despite the unfavorable circumstances? Yes it’s difficult. It’s tough. It’s unfair path. However, it’s your responsibility. No one is coming. It’s up to you to make that difference in your life.

   How can we cultivate the seed of greatness in our student? Saw the strength, the virtues in each single student. A seed, a strength, a virtue, a competence. And when we don’t see the seed of greatness, when we don’t water it and shed a light on it, it withers and dies, which is unfortunately the fate of most human potential. Therefor, how do we get people to flourish intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, interpersonally, intra-personally? How do we get them to thrive beyond just getting rid of what is not working in their lives?

   How can we cultivate the seed of greatness in ourselves and students, in our communities and organizations, in our school, in our nation and in our world? In order to do that, we need to cultivate these traits. Do we focus on weakness, or do we focus on strength? While you ask people this question most people think that it’s more important to focus on their weakness if they are to succeed. Big mistake, the people who focus primarily, not only, remember who focus more on their strength, are not only happier, they are also on the long run, more successful.

   Leading students: What is meaningful to me in my life? What’s my purpose? Why am I here, what do I really, really want to do once I graduate? What is the optimum? What is the ideal? Is there a glass ceiling? Or can it go on and on, more excitement, more enjoyment, more passion? In dead the major strides in success have largely come from a perspective focused on systematically building competency, not correcting weakness. In other words, the health model cultivate: Let’s work on competencies. Let’s work on strength. Let’s work on relationship. Let’s help student identify something meaningful in their life, their passion.


2014年4月18日 星期五






  有一個Marva Collins法則,稱為積極學習法則,積極學習法則的重點如下:我想做得很好,我想我很聰明,我想我很特別,我會教每個孩子這樣想,當他們不守規矩的候,被懲罰的學生就是要寫許多原因說明他們棒到要做那樣的事,而且要按照字母順序寫,我很可愛,我很漂亮,我很勇敢,我給他們例子直到他們明白,我令人快樂,我很興奮,我很厲害,我很棒,我是榜樣,我無與倫比…







On the first day of school, I say to my students,” We are going to do a lot of believing in ourselves”. And I repeat this message over and over and over again, like a broken record throughout the semester and the year and years. I believe in you. You can do well. You can succeed. Take responsibility for your life. Stop blaming. Stop blaming to government. Stop your teacher. Stop blaming your parents. It is up to you to succeed. Having really high expectation of my students, looking at what student are good at, their strength and cultivating those, miracles begin to happen, these students considered by many of the teachers to be “unteachable”. And the miracles continue, and yet the students are driven by their passion. And they continue. Miracles continue to happen to them, children continue learning.

Positive Learning:

Have a law call “Marva Collins positive learning”:

I think I did pretty wonderful.

I think I’m bright.

I think I am unique.

And I’ll teach every child of me to think that. When they misbehave , their punishment is they have to write many reasons. Why they are too wonderful  to do what they are doing. And they have to be alpha order. I am adorable. I am beautiful. I am courageous. I give them the first ones until they get the hang out of it. I am delightful. I am effervescent. I am fabulous. I am heavenly. I am idolized. I am just wonderful. I am a kindred spirit. I am lovable. I am never, never under line. And it goes on to Z. And if they do it again, then they have to use another synonym. They can’t use adorable any more. Now she is wonderful. So what’s her message? First of all, I myself is the message as a role model. Children all identify role models. First and foremost, I myself is the model. I have high expectations, We are going to do a lot of believing in ourselves. We are going to do well, succeed. I expect a lot. I see the potential. I appreciate that potential in each individual. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for your life.

Teachers are no push-over. If you see her in the classroom, she is tough. She is demanding. At the same time, she respects each individual. I am not one of the Pollyannish feel-good. Let’s make them all feel good at all cost. Not at all. I believe in children. I respect children. And I am tough and demanding. Whose primary aim was to be nice and to be liked, the keys to get the job done to get the work done, while being respectful. Sense of optimism. You can do well, you are going to do well. And finally , from focusing on deficiencies to focusing on strength.

Whether or not a student is smart, what we need to ask is what is the student smart at. And when we identify what that student is smart at, strong at, virtuous at, good at , then we appreciate it. And when we appreciate it, it and the whole person appreciate. What would happen to a seed*seed is potential flower, tree, what would happen to a seed, if it is not watered, if no light is shed on it. It will wither and die. The exact same thing with human potential. If we don’t water it , if we don’t shed a light on it, it will wither and die.

What can you do ?what can you bring? What strength can you bring into the school. So that it’s an excellent school. Taking responsibility for it. Self-responsibility is very important. People who have high self-esteem take responsibility, people who want to cultivate high self-esteem and create confidence, take responsibility for their lives and so on. Take responsibility for your life is recognizing understanding that no one is coming. No one is coming to make your life better for you. No one is coming. You are responsible for your life, for your self-confidence, for your self-esteem, for your happiness. No one is coming. No one is coming. It’s up to you to make the most of this experience.






2014年4月14日 星期一





If you are extremely happy, you can still be happier.

If you are very unhappy, you can still be happier.





問題導致改變 問題締造現實


The mean age for depression today is less than 15, because kids at very young age are introduced to the ”information highway.” And very often, they are not prepared, not able to deal with it in an effective way.

People were doing something that we really believe in. Now the question is “how do we focus on what works? When we help others, we are helping ourselves, when we help ourselves, we help others, I think so. Focus on their strength rather than primarily deficiencies. These were optimistic, not optimistic in the detached Pollyannish sense, optimistic in that they believe in things that would work out well. “Well. It may not work well this time. It will work out later.”

What am I good at? What am I really, really good at? I will identify my strength. “Our set goals for ourselves. Our were future-oriented.”Everyone have a role model. Someone who they said about” I want to be like her; I want to be like him.”It could be a teacher. It could be a parent, sibling, friend. Sometimes, it was a historical figure or a fictional character. Someone that they want to emulate, to be like. That gave our strength. That gave our sense of direction.

Questions make a difference; Question create reality

And finally most significantly, optimist did not bowl alone. They had social support. They did not say: “Well I am tough enough to do it by myself.”Rather they said:”I’m tough enough to reach out for help”. Because that does require certain toughness. They have strength to admit weakness as well, the strength to admit a need. Now think about these: Questions create reality. They create possibilities. A question begins a question. The question is the breakthrough. The answer comes with difficulty but it is the new question that is important. The salutariness question is a radically new question.