2014年9月30日 星期二







Small Steps to Big Happiness

  Another application of the 80/20 rule: All of us have different time during the day when we are most productive. In fact, in20 percent of the day, we get 80percent, potentially, 80percent of our work done, depending whether we are morning people of night people. There are people who get up in the morning at you know, 6,7 am and they are ready to go. That’s me, I get up early, very easy for me. Very early in the morning. First thing. No problem. At night, by11,12 pm, complete zombie. And there are people who are the opposite can stay up till 2,3,4 am in the morning, and that’s when they are the freshest. By the way, it has to do with our internal biorhythm, internal circadian rhythms. Because there are some people for whom no one is exactly or very few people are exactly 24 hours rhythms.

  We perform at our best, defying the “no pain, no gain” And when do we experience flow? Not when we experience the high levels of anxiety at the perfectionist often does, not when we are bored, but when we are excited. The person committed to excellence is much more likely to experience the flow than the person who is constantly afraid of failure, constantly obsessed with failure, constantly thinking about what if I fail.

  Small Steps to Big Happiness, Now!

2014年9月28日 星期日







How To Overcome Perfectionism - The 80/20 Rule


  Perfectionist- one way; no deviation, no improvisation, no spontaneity. This very often prevents us from being” luckier”. The most successful the most creative scientist and artist throughout the history are ones that fail the most. They were not perfectionists. They were committed to excellence- extremely ambitious, understanding that there’s no other way to succeed.

    There is a highly creative author says: Perfectionism is the enemy of creativity. And another author who has very good advice for us of how to overcome this perfectionism. The 80/20 rule. This rule- understanding this rule as it applies to time management changed my school experience.

  So what is the principle? And the principle says that in most societies, 20 percent of the people own about 80 percent of the wealth. They applied this principle to organizations as well, where 20 percent of your clients generate 80 percent of your income. And this has been applied to many areas in economics. And more recently, to time management. For example, in 20 percent of our time, we can get 80 percent our work down. And when I understand this, it changed my approach toward my work attitude. Why? Because I realized that well I didn’t to complete perfect 100 percent of the work. And I started to follow much more the pleasure principle or the happiness principle. And I say: Ok, this is something that I really cared about. Because I was employing that 20/80 rule. 20 percent of focus on what’s important and got the80 percent of the work down.

2014年9月27日 星期六

2014.09.27  Hard Choices







committed the excellence not give up on the journey

  I work up in the seventh floor for room in Taipei Fuhsing have just cozy little office  that is what used to be the addict. I was working on with me everywhere I went including on vocation which actually turned out to be a Godsend because I had the idea about how to begin the work by starting.

  A person committed excellence, is not just about temporary relief, but about lasting satisfaction. Yes, live has the ups and downs like we all do. However, also able to enjoy the journey day to day. And the question is,” what kind of life do I want for myself”? And remember the most important thing, a person committed the excellence does not give up on being ambitions. However, a person committed to excellence does not also give up on the journey, a person who is committed to excellence, not only does not give on the journey or rather on the outcome, they actually reach higher levels of performance.

  But haven’t the perfect person, for every person, there’s inevitable failure. And a perfectionist who is obsessed with failure just focuses on that, whereas the person committed to excellence, there is possibility of success every step of the way, even in failure.

   Going, continuous improvement, not a straight line, but a spiral that goes up and up . That actually the person committed to excellence is more successful in the long run. People committed to excellence as opposed to perfectionists are happier. First of all, person committed to excellence enjoys much more sustainable approach to growth. There are deviations, there are breaks, there are recovers. When we are so obsessed with failure, we are much less likely to act. If I believe in myself, if I think I can succeed, if I have the track record to show that I get up after falling down, I’m much more likely to succeed over time. There is no other way to succeed, the “Luck Factor” one of the cause of having more luck in our live seems like a mystical thing, but actually can be shown scientifically. One of the ways of having more luck in our lives is to try new things, little things even when you walk back to your dining hall after class. Take a slightly different path, as opposed to the path that has already been taken by you every single day, these little changes in our lives, these slight deviation from a straight narrow actually lead to higher levels of luck, because we begin to see things that we haven’t seen before.




2014年9月21日 星期日



How to Improve your Creative Thinking


Today I watch the video “How to Improve Your Creative Thinking”. The speaker Tony say : between Left brain and Right brain there are different. Left Brain dominance is, words, numbers, lines, lists, logic. And Right brain dominance is, rhythm, colour, shapes, maps, imagination. There are below:


Tony this on is a leading expert on the brain and learning and inventor of the revolutionary mind mapping technique. Through his work in the media, Tony aims to educate the in how to use the brain more effectively. Tony believes that everyone  has the potential to be creative and in this film he talks how you can find and develop your inner creativity.

Step one: everyone is creative

First I want to dispel the inner creativity step one notion that anyone anywhere  could be not creative. We have a million million brian cells and they all integrate know anybody with piece of equipment like that says, I’m not creative is obviously making a mistake.  What has happened that they haven’t been taught how to use that from a piece of equipment.

Step two: The left and right brain

As we know the left and right brain to use his words and numbers and list some logical analysis and the right brain deal s with his with them colors and shape and form imagination and daydreaming it has been thought that creativity was right brained and because we’ve miss analyze that creativity is that will be a major damaged within these two use both sides and get the order and the number and the image in the color and the rhythm in the imagination the day dreaming all working together that is creativity.

Step 3: Speed of thought

Speed of thinking is called fluency, how fast how rapidly can you generate ideas and that you can develop by just playing at it you can practice thinking foster. You can practice you know getting his apostles on working out, foster and faster speed and that kind a productivity is one of the hallmarks of creative genius.

Step 4: Originality of thought

Originality of thought if someone says what could use a coat hanger for, and you answer for hanging a coat that would not catch who I think I points in creativity if you said you could use it to fuel a rocket ship to the moon by taking the constituent molecules that particular coat hanger and converting it into some kind fuel that’s way out that’s what is known as thinking out of the box.

Step 5: Flexibility of thought

Flexibility of thought most people tend to focus on one flexibility way that this is the way I think this is the way I see that when it should be how many ways can I see this, from how many perspectives can look at it from and the great creative thinkers play with looking at different perspectives.

Step 6: Imagination and Association

Imagination and dissociation all great creative thinkers are using their imagination what they are doing in addition that is they’re making links between things so they and Association the two big keywords for creativity how much you have to do when you are being creative is to find those associations and connections between things that are going to create something new.


Today I watch the video “How to Improve Your Creative Thinking”. The speaker Tony say : between Left brain and Right brain there are different. Left Brain dominance is, words, numbers, lines, lists, logic. And Right brain dominance is, rhythm, colour, shapes, maps, imagination. There are below:
















2014年9月12日 星期五


沒有付出 就沒有回報


No Pain No Gain

In fact I can’t believe my good fortune.
I feel good, I’m happy, I finally made it!
And I work hard, I struggle,
It’s getting tougher, but I’ll make it!
No pain, no gain,
I’m been a hard worker; there’s no reason to just stop now.
Then I asked myself what kind of life do I want for myself?


2014年9月11日 星期四








Pursuing excellence as a journey


What kind of life do I want for a teacher?  And remember the most important thing, a person committed to excellence does not give up on being ambitions. However, a person committed to excellence does not also give up on the journey.

   The person committed excellence understands that while he improves, inevitably at some point, he would fail. But she would learn from it. She needs to fail time and again, there is no straight line toward success. Pursuing excellence is about a constraint view of nature.

   A person committed to excellence is open, is welcoming of suggestions and criticisms at times. It doesn’t mean that she enjoys it, but she understands that it’s necessary it’s an important part of growth of development. Person committed to excellence enjoys getting to where she is going, but also learns to enjoy every step of the way-the journey, even failure is an opportunity.






2014年9月4日 星期四






work life balance-2

  Most people experience crucibles throughout their lives, hardships, difficulties, but difference between the highly successful people, and many other people is that they are able to make the best of what happens. They see it as an opportunity, a learning experience, a stepping stone. The importance of failure for resilience, for well being as well.

  What is actually mean by perfectionism? It’s define as: an incapacitating fear of failure that permeates our lives, especially those areas that we care about most. Note the word incapacitating. It is not just a fear of failure. That’s human- whether we like it or not. But an incapacitating fear of failure is the failure that is debilitating us, that stops us, that prevents us from coping, from trying, from putting ourselves on the line.  

  It’s not that important for me if I win or lose. But perfectionism was central part of my life when it came to – as I mentioned earlier, music which was very meaningful to me, academics which is very meaningful to me, and relationships which was and is a very important part of my life. So in these areas, that’s where I experienced perfectionism, and that’s where I needed to do the work and still doing the work. It’s in those areas. Let me elaborate on this definition. It is approach, a cognitive and emotional schema, that we hold toward the journey of our lives, toward the process of getting from point A to point B. The emphasis here is on journey. A person committed to excellence can still be as ambitions and more ambitious than a perfectionist. The difference between the two is just their approach toward the journey. Let me illustrate. So let’s first take the perfectionist.

2014年9月3日 星期三





  上次我談些甚麼?上次談到嬰兒如何學走路,談到他們如何學會畫圈圈。都是通過不斷的失敗,愛迪生說:我從失敗中獲得成功。我們從最頂尖的運動員身上看到,不論是喬丹或其他人。我們從最頂尖的生意人,不管事IBM 的創始人Thomas Watson或其他人,我們從藝術家和科學家身上看到,最成功的人也是失敗最多的人,而他們就是那些深刻明白失敗的價值與重要性的人。我保證沒有人喜歡失敗,失敗讓人受傷,讓人極度失望,讓人沮喪,也極度尷尬。但是那些最成功的人,都確認失敗和從失敗中學習的價值。

有一本非常好的書,作者是 Warred Bennis 書名是「駭客與怪傑」,在這本書裡,他將30出頭的年輕人和老一代的,在劃時代裡真正有所成就的領袖人物,他們大多七十、八十甚至九十歲,他將兩組人做比對,駭客,指那些年輕人;怪傑,指年長者,而他發現有一些非常有趣也很有意義的差異,存在於20多到30出頭的成功人士與年長成功領袖之間,其中最明顯的差異就是工作與生活的平衡,這對於年輕的成功人士非常重要。他們自己也經常談論這些,但是對於年長一代的成功人士,這幾乎是一個外來的觀念。


work life balance

Recently I learned about recovery. At time , away from work really relax.

  Every year when I work luck something happens. The first year, I remember I actually discovery my interest is music. Second time, I bought computer. And this year, I get a new job. Every time something happens. Walk the talk.

  So where was I last time? Last time we talked about how baby learned how to walk. We learned about how they learned to draw circles. And all through failure .Thomas Edison said: I learned my way I failed my way to success.” And we saw it with the top athletes, whether it was Michael Jordan or other. We saw it with top business people , whether it was Thomas Watson, IBM or other. We see it with artist and scientist the most successful ones are also the ones who failed the most, and these are the ones who understand the value and the importance of failure. I guarantee you then none of them enjoy failing. Failing hurts; disappointing at best, it’s frustrating; it’s embarrassing often. However, people who ultimately succeed recognize that value of failure and learning from it.

There’s a wonderful book that came out recently by Warren Bennis, which is called “Geek and Geezers”. And in this book, he compared very successful leaders who were young, early 30s and older generation leaders, people who have really made it, big time leaders who are now in their 70s and 80s, sometimes 90s. And he compared those two groups: the geeks the young ones; the geezer, the older ones. And what he found was that there were a number of very interesting and meaningful differences between the generations of again highly successful late 20s or early 30s years old and highly successful older individuals. One of the most notable differences was that work life balance, which is very important for the late 20s, early30s. Very important- they talked about it constantly, whereas for the 70 80 90 year olds, it was almost a foreign concept.


   What does that even mean? Why? Because they were at work usually 7-24. All of them in that sample were men. And the women were at home, taking care of the life part. So there was a work life balance- where they were doing the work, the wives were doing the life. Whereas the younger generation, men and women in that sample and talking about the work life balance. There are a few other differences as well, but there is one similarity, one thing that was common to both groups. And that was at least one, usually more than one significant failure, and call” a crucible” a real crisis, whether it was a meaningful loss or losing a job being fired, one’s identity being insulted, loss of person. Some real serious crucible, a failure. That was common to both groups, and both groups thought that failure as a pivotal point, as a turning point in their lives. Something that helped them became who they are today.