藉著一趟魔毯之旅 我將邁向另一個閃亮輝煌的世界
生命中的主宰,上一次決定是在何時 擴展視界看盡一幕幕路旁與足下的奇景
一個嶄新的視界 一個內心深處新穎的觀點
一個內心的呼喚告訴我何去何從 友人說我是在築夢逐夢
一個嶄新的視界 一個新奇眩目地方
但從此開始我很清楚 我邁向一個嶄新的視界中
不可置信的景觀 無法形容的感覺
盡情翻轉、自由地遨翔 穿越那無垠如同鑽石般耀眼的天空
一個嶄新的視界 讓人不敢閉上眼睛
成千上萬的事物等你欣賞 摒住呼吸,漸入佳境
我就像一顆來自遠方的流星 飛越蒼芎跨越藩籬
一個全新的視界 每個轉彎都是個驚喜
新的地平線等你去開創 我會追逐它們至天涯海角
時間用之不竭 和同好分享這嶄新的境界
一個嶄新的視界 那是我將到達的地方
一場理想與夢想的追尋 一個嶄新的地方
附錄:聽了這首迪士尼阿拉丁神燈之歌,藉著魔毯飛越,探索新世界與新境界,內心著實澎湃,夢想無限可能,理想具體呈現,唯一的是必須有courage and passion,我盼望,超越巔峰,我願意,因為勇於接受挑戰與開創是我的格言。
A Whole New World
I can show you the
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
I can open your
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
Now I'm in a whole new world with you
Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
A whole new world
Don't you dare close your eyes
A hundred thousand things to see
(Hold your breath, it gets better)
I'm like a shooting
I've come so far
I can't go back
To where I used to be
A whole new world
Every turn a surprise
With new horizons to pursue
Every moment red-letter
I'll chase them
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you
A whole new world
That's where we'll be
A thrilling chase
A wondrous place
For you and me