2014年8月6日 星期三


Contagious as a Power








Student Being the Change

  Student clime the Snow Mountain transformed them. What you will see is their journey, and then their utter conviction that they could go out challenge myself and change the world.

  And look at student that moment when their face change, because they are been able to understand that they have shifted that people’s mindset. And that can’t happen in a classroom, So, when student experienced that they went from “teacher told me” to” I am doing it”. And that’s the “I can” mind shift.

  And it is a process that can be energized and nurtured. But we had parent who said, okay, making our children good human beings is all very well, but what about math and science and English? “Show us the grades”. And we did . The data was conclusive. When student are empowered, not only do they do good, they do well, in fact very well, Fuhsing student were outperforming the top 10school in Taiwan in math, English and science. So, it worked. It was now time to take it outside Fuhsing. Our student set out to infect other school.


Now it was not about Fuhsing school, it was about all student. So, we were share. ”When are you going to wake up and recognize the potential that resides in every student. When will you include the student the city? Basically, open your hearts and your minds to the student.” So, how did the people respond?

You Can

Here was our school telling student, “ You Can”. When a school gives to the student in the future the student will give back to the word. And because of that, it was time now to infect the world, empowered with the some process, we empowered our students to say “I can”.

