2014年12月5日 星期五










People do what you do rather than what you say


  Person have to” Golden Rule “, the rule says,” do not do unto yourself what you would not do unto others”. Or rather” do unto yourself what you do unto others. Now if a good friend of you, someone you really care about or a family member fails and doesn’t do well, what you’ll do with that person? Do you reject that person? “Oh you didn’t win this competition”. Is that how you treat them? Or do you embrace them? And do you love them any less for it? Of course not.


  Then why do we apply these unrealistic and non -compassionate standards to ourselves? Now the Dalai Lama, when he was first introduced to a lot of Western culture, was baffled by one very particular thing: by our usage of a word, compassion. The word in Tibetan is “tsew”,in English spelled “t-s-e-w-e”. The word in Tibetan means compassion on for others as well as for self. And he was really taking back by the notion that in English, when we talk about ,or in West in general- not just in English- when we talk about compassion, we talk about compassion for others. And he said” how can you have compassion for others when you don’t have compassion for yourself?” The foundation is the self. The Platinum Rule is about having compassion for ourselves as well. Not treating ourselves differently than we would others. Having similar standards. Accepting failure in the same way that we accepted in others, in people we love.

  After all, why not? How do we help other people? Because very often when we are in relationships, people are in relationships with a perfectionist or, we know a friend of ours is a perfectionist, how do we help other people? The first thing that is important to make very clear is that it is extremely difficult to help other people deal with perfectionism. It mostly has to come from within. They have to want a change, because it takes time. Doesn’t happen over night. I know it from personal experience. And yet, we can help, after accepting that it is difficult. The first most important thing to do is by example. If I can change, and become more a person committed to excellence, enjoy the journey, celebrate even failures, even falling down once in a while. Then I’m leading by example. People do what you do, rather than what you say.

