2020年4月20日 星期一


Exploring Purpose of Life - Hamza Shamshad - Medium

I'm much more me when i'm with you 
The purpose of life is to discover you gift.
The work of life is to develop it.
The meaning of life is to give your gift away.







我僅感到遺憾的是,我將看不到很多很酷的東西,比如AI或下一個很棒的項目Elon Musks的創建將很快發生。我也希望敘利亞戰爭烏克蘭將很快結束。我們非常關心身體的健康和完整性,直到死亡,我們才注意到,身體不過是一個盒子,而是一個向我們傳達個性,思想,信念和意圖的包裹。



 a meaningful life

Don’t waste your time on work that you don’t enjoy. It is obvious that you cannot succeed in something that you don’t like. Patience, passion and dedication come easily only when you love what you do.

It’s stupid to be afraid of others’ opinions. Fear weakens and paralyzes you. If you let it, it can grow worse and worse every day until there is nothing left of you, but a shell of yourself. Listen to your inner voice and go with it Some people may call you crazy, but some may even think you're a legend.

Take control of your life. Take full responsibility for the things that happen to you. Limit bad habits and try to lead a healthier life. Find a sport that makes you happy. Most of all, don’t procrastinate. Let your life be shaped by decisions you made, not by the ones you didn’t.

Appreciate the people around you. Your friends and relatives will always be an infinite source of strength and love. That is why you shouldn’t take them for granted.

It is difficult for me to fully express my feelings about the importance of these simple realizations, but I hope that you will listen to someone who has experienced how valuable time is. I’m not upset because I understand that the last days of my life have become meaningful.

I only regret that I will not be able to see a lot of cool stuff that should happen soon like the creation of AI or Elon Musks next awesome project. I also hope that the war in Syria and Ukraine will end soon. We care so much about the health and integrity of our body that until death, we don’t notice that the body is nothing more than a box - a parcel for delivering our personality, thoughts, beliefs and intentions to this world.

If there is nothing in this box that can change the world, then it doesn’t matter if it disappears. I believe that we all have potential, but it also takes a lot of courage to realize it. You can float through a life created by circumstances, missing day after day, hour after hour. Or, you can fight for what you believe in and write the great story of your life. I hope you will make the right choice.

Leave a mark in this world. Have a meaningful life, whatever definition it has for you. Go towards it The place we are leaving is a beautiful playground, where everything is possible. Yet, we are not here forever. Our life is a short spark in this beautiful little planet that mess with incredible speed to the endless darkness of the unknown universe. So, enjoy your time here with passion. Make it interesting. Make it count!

