和家長近距離接觸雖然很辛苦,但是可以將自己的想法和做法和家長分享,是一件很快樂的事,尤其是又得到回饋時,那份充實的感覺,又會成為自己動力的泉源,感謝waijoun and see-teng 的媽媽,給予的支持與鼓勵,教育人員,這都是我們該做的事,我會謹記,將孩子帶好,讓孩子有活力、有希望;自己也會和孩子一起成長。
Subject: Your Talk 15/11
I enjoyed your talk yesterday. It was truly enlightening when you relate parenting to flying kite. Very appropriate. I will keep that in mind and certainly share it with my husband and other parents.
I agree that space are important to the growth for kids. With ample space, the kids will be able grow especially their mind to have greater vision.
My girl enjoyed the parents day in school very much. She truly enjoy sharing the fun in school with us and his brother. We become a part of her school -- dancing and playing together. The atmosphere was very different when I compared it with my kids old kindergarden.
Every kids get to be in stage in your school. I was amazed to see my son in stage in front of some many people for the drama performance. I think he will not have such a chance to do so if it was other school. In your school, everyone get to do drama and dance disregard whether they have the talent. Everyone is given the opportunity just to try different experience and have different exposure. I do not need my kids to be first class performer but already very glad that they have chances to try different things and enjoyed the experiences.
My girl are extremely excited about upcoming concert. I do not remember feeling this way when I was a kid. I dread to be in stage and was so worried. I enjoyed seeing my girl's excitement and her fearlessness in going up the stage.
Thank you so much especially going out your way to ensure the kids in your school are well prepared as they go to the next stage of life as you has shared with us yesterday.
I see my kids growing to be more discipline and well manner.
I certainly glad that I made the decision in sending my kids to CTS. I know my kids are in good hand especially with you as the headmistress who has a good heart and who love kids so much.
Mimi Tan
(mother to waijoun and see-teng)
Mimi Tan