堅定的信念先於偉大的行動〈Strong convictions precede great actions.〉我們常常說光有理念而無執行力是無法達成目的,一樣的,如果沒有堅定的信念,就無法產生偉大的行動。信念、策略、執行力三者缺一不可。信念就像堅定的盤石,能給人力量,如果沒有信念,就無法指引出一條光明道路。
所以說信念給人希望,希望是生活的全部,希望是一個冒險,她可以展望未來。我們要有信念,因為信念就像是黑暗時仍歌頌黎明的鳥。〈Faith gives a man hope, and hope is what life is all about. Hope is an adventure, a going forward. We must have faith , because faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.
因此,我們要自勉:你是甚麼是上天給你的禮物,而你做甚麼是你給上天的禮物。〈so, we shall self-encourage : What you are is God's gift to you and what you do with what you are is your gift to God.〉
Learning English is my hard faith, my great action from today.