No matter how educated,
talented, rich, or cool you believe you are,
how you treat people ultimately tell all.
Integrity is Everything.
國王有大量奴隸。 其中一個很黑。 他忠於國王。 所以國王非常愛他。
一天,國王騎著駱駝出去。 一些奴隸走在國王面前。 其他人則落後於國王。
國王有一個盒子。 裡面有珍珠。 在途中,箱子跌落在狹窄的街道上。
它碎了。 珍珠在地上滾動。
國王對他的奴隸說。 “去拿珍珠。 我不再想要他們了。”國王說。
奴隸奔跑收集珍珠。 他們拿走了那些珍珠。 黑人奴隸沒有離開他的地方。
他在主人的陪伴下。 他守護他的主人。 他照顧主人的生活。 他不在乎主人的珍珠。
A True Servant :
A king had a large number of slaves. One of
them was very black. He was true to the king. So the king loved him greatly.
One day the king went out on a camel. Some
slaves walked in front of the king. Others went behind the king. The black
slave rode on a horse by the side of his master – The King.
The King had a box. There were pearls in
it. On the way the box fell down in a narrow street. It broke into pieces. The
pearls rolled on the ground.
The king said to his slaves. “Go and take
the pearls. I do not want them any longer," said the king.
The slaves ran and gathered the pearls.
They took those pearls. The black slave did not leave his place.
He was by the side of his master. He
guarded his master. He cared for the life of his master. He did not care for
the master’s pearls. He was the true servant.
The king observed the attitude of the
servant and gave him many gifts.