2020年3月25日 星期三


「brave and change」的圖片搜尋結果

Change break routines for giving Progress an Opportunity.
 Do not miss your Chance for a better Future.
 Be Brave. Be Change!

勇敢還要臨機應變 打破慣例 創造進步機會。不要錯失創造美好的機會,勇敢改變吧!

英格蘭和法國之間在海上發生了一場戰鬥。 卡薩比安卡是一個小男孩,和他父親一起在法國船上。
父親說:“我親愛的男孩,留在這兒。 未經我的允許不要離開這個地方。 我要去戰鬥。 我很快就會回來。”

父親立刻離開了這個地方。 他參加了擊敗英格蘭的鬥爭。
船突然著火了。 火勢蔓延。

卡薩比安卡大喊:“父親,我可以離開這個地方嗎? 這個地方著火了。”
再次沒有回音。 他的父親在戰鬥中陣亡。

火勢越來越靠近卡薩比安卡。 它把他燒死了。



Casabianca :(2020.03.26)

There was a fight on the sea between England and France. Casabianca, a boiy, was with his father in the French ship.

The father said, “My dear boy, stay here. Do not leave the place without my permission. I am going out to fight. I will return soon."

The father left the place at once. He joined the fight to defeat England.

Suddenly the ship caught fire. The fire spread.

Casabianca shouted, “Father, May I leave this place? This place caught fire."

But no answer came.

Again the boy shouted, “Father….May I leave this place."

Again there was no reply. His father was dead in the fight.

The fire went closer and closer to Casabianca. It burnt him to death.
He obeyed his father in letter and spirit.
He was a brave boy.

