2019年4月18日 星期四





高年級的孩子選擇這一首" take these wings", 抒情中帶著堅毅,不自覺得跟著哼唱,也陶醉在旋律歌詞當中,生活其實很簡單,感受周邊的美好就是了!

Take these wings
Take these wings - and learn fly to the highest mountain in the sky.
Take these eyes - and learn to see all the things so dear to me.
Take this song - and learn to sing fill your voice with all the joys of spring.
Take this heart - and set it free let it fly Let it fly.

Take these wings

我看到有隻麻雀落在地, I found a spar-row ly-ing on the ground;
看牠的生命似已到盡頭, Her life I knew would soon be at an end.
我跪下將牠捧在手心中,他輕聲對我說,「朋友, I knelt be-fore her as she made a sound, and lis-tened as she said. "My friend.
送給你這對 翅膀 , 學習飛翔越過最高山。Take these wings and learn to fly to the high - est moun-tain in the sky;
送給你這對眼睛 , 學看世上的美事。Take these eyes and learn to seeall the things so dear to me.
送給你歡欣 的歌,歌頌春天來臨的喜悅 , Take this song and learn to sing, fill your voice with all the joys of spring;
送給你跳躍的心,翱翔在﹝翱翔在,翱翔在﹞Take this heart and set it free, Let it fly─﹝Let it fly, let it fly
海的 那邊。」be-yond the sea."
我見另有隻麻雀在沙地, I found an-oth-er spar-row ly-ing on the sand,
小麻雀生命正開始起步。A ti-ny bird whose life had just be-gun.
我輕輕將牠捧在手心中。我微笑對牠說,「孩子」I picked him and held him in my hand; I smiled at him and said, "My son.
送給你這對 翅膀 , 學習飛翔越過最高山。Take these wings and learn to fly to the high - est moun-tain in the sky;
送給你這對眼睛 , 學看世上的美事。Take these eyes and learn to seeall the things so dear to me.
送給你歡欣 的歌,歌頌春天來臨的喜悅 , Take this song and learn to sing, fill your voice with all the joys of spring;
送給你跳躍的心,翱翔在﹝翱翔在,翱翔在﹞Take this heart and set it free, Let it fly─﹝Let it fly, let it fly
海的 那邊。」be-yond the sea."

2019年4月8日 星期一

2019.04.09 清晨頌歌(Shalala lala)


  上班途中哼著Shalala lala這首歌曲,學校正在推展校園英文歌曲,每學年都有主題,趁著這時光重溫年輕歡唱的感覺,除了欣賞也試著開口,好久沒唱歌了,喉嚨雖已生鏽,但熱望仍在,願和孩子同步重溫兒時美好時光,今天是第三首Shalala alal,今年度有六首,期待與孩子歡樂同行。
Shalala lala

I singing in the morning
I singing in the sunshine
I singing in the evening
I singing just for you
My dear

And you know I’m thinking for you 
All my way to the day and the night
The stars shine above me
And I’m singing the song
My heart goes
Listen to my heart
It is singing

2019.03.27 English song (3)
 Shalala Lala 莎拉拉
There's a boy ln my mind在我夢中有個男孩
and he knows I'm thinking of him他知道我在想念他
All my way to the day and the night當白天變為黑夜
The stars shine above me繁星為我閃耀
he's been gone for some time他離開已經有一陣子了
But I know I truly love him但我知道我是真的愛他
And I'm singing the song我唱著這首歌
Hoping he'll be back when he hears it當他聽到這首歌,但願他能回來

*My heart goes sha la la la la我的心唱著 沙啦啦啦啦
Sha la la in the morning在清晨中唱
Sha la la la la沙啦啦啦啦
Sha la la in the sunshine在陽光裡唱著
Sha la la la la沙啦啦啦啦
Sha la la in the evening在黃昏時分唱著
Sha la la la la沙啦啦啦啦
Sha la la la la just for you這都是為了你

If your love's gone away just like mine如果你的愛像我一樣已遠走高飛
You fell like crying你很想哭
Sing along maybe once maybe twice唱首歌吧 一次、兩次都好
Let's try it together讓我們一起試試看
Some sweet day no one knows she'll return說不定她會在某個美麗的日子回來
And you'll be happy而你也會快樂起來
Shadows It sweet In a Song大聲唱著這首歌
Listen to your heart傾聽你的心
It is singing (*)它在歌唱

*My heart goes sha la la la la我的心唱著 沙啦啦啦啦
Sha la la in the morning在清晨中唱
Sha la la la la沙啦啦啦啦
Sha la la in the sunshine在陽光裡唱著
Sha la la la la沙啦啦啦啦
Sha la la in the evening在黃昏時分唱著
Sha la la la la沙啦啦啦啦
Sha la la la la just for you這都是為了你