2014年11月25日 星期二








Enjoy the process

I can move forward and enjoy the process, it’s a better understanding. So the first step is awareness. After we have awareness, it’s about going back to notion of rewarding effort. Remember, we were able to change students and adult’s mind set with as little as a few hours. And sometimes, this mind set has been set in them from a very young age. The fixed versus the malleable mind set, our brain constantly changes by teaching them that to focus on the journey, on the effort, as opposed to the outcomes, as opposed the intelligence, was able to change their mind set.

So in ourselves we can focus on a reward on our effort, on our process, whether it’s failure or success. Active acceptance. It will always be part of us. You know one of the things that perfectionists very often do when they realize they are perfectionists and that is hurting them: they apply the perfectionist approach to overcoming perfectionism, which means, I will become perfect person who is committed to excellence. That doesn’t work. That’s just more perfectionism. But what active acceptance is about saying. Ok, So I’m notSo I’m still perfectionist. I will always probably have part of it in me. And that’s OK.

One of the things that Buddhists talk about is that very often, our greatest challenges, what we would call “our neurosis.” Whether it’s perfectionism, the fear of failure whether it’s anger that comes up once in a while, anxiety, whatever it is that we have- that “issue”. The Buddhists cognitively reframe it and say, “ we need to look at it as a tool, as a tool for growth, as a way of learning about ourselves, digging deep inside ourselves and growing.” So to look at it- OK, so this is an opportunity for growth, for personal learning, for reflection, for more empathy toward other people- whatever it is. But to look at it as a tool. Accept it. And then act.

The next thing, after we accept it, we go ahead and change it. And we go ahead and change it by introducing behavior. The key issue here is behavior.

2014年11月19日 星期三








I can move forward

  This semester for me has been going great. There are very few things that I regret about not having done this semester, but there is one thing I will change next time when I come to school, that I already know of now is have the lecture on the mind body earlier. Because it is such an important topic. It is so foundational, so basic that when I realized that and that was earlier on this semester that I should have had it earlier, I should have had it earlier, you know,  a couple of people yesterday in office hours asked the question, “ so what is really the difference?” a month or two-too late perhaps a smart man gets to being literally on top of the world, overlooking excellence school, and then being informed after a life of constant stress, constantly living the future in point, not enjoying the present, the journey, is being told it is time to change.

  And I asked you a simple question, “what kind of life do you want for yourself?” What is the positive model? Now the positive model from the outside may look exactly the same. It may be a person who is extremely ambitions, a person who is extremely hard working, a person who is an investment banker or a doctor, or a lawyer, or a teacher, or working at a homeless shelter. It may look the exactly same from the outside. From the inside, it is radically difference. How is it radically difference? It that the person who is on the excellence side, may be as ambitious, may be have the same goals, may be reach the same goals. However, that person also enjoys the journey. That is the difference.

  Excitement can contagious others, even though from the outside, it may look the exact same as the “caricature” that I depicted earlier. So it’s not losing our ambition. It’s not about not being competitive. Learning to also enjoy the process, the step on the way to a destination that you deem valuable that is important to you.  How do we overcome this living in the future, being afraid of the present because what if I fail. There are a few methods: the first one is being aware of it, being aware of what I want to change and what I want to maintain. What it is that I want to change? Because for very long time, person associated with perfectionism, with also success, my subconscious were stopping me from letting go of perfectionism because I thought that also means throwing out baby with bath water, i.e.my success.

  I understand that I can still be as ambitious and not give up my success, and yet enjoy the process- that’s a better understanding. And now I can move forward.

2014年11月17日 星期一










Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

  This is a tool for growth; this will help me better understand myself as well as others .There are three Ps are the alternative.

  The first P is the Permission to be human. So if I experience a difficult experience, I have someI go through a hard time. The first step is to give myself permission and that would mean accepting of the emotion, accepting that is difficult, accepting reality. Something just happened; there is nothing I can do about what had just happened. What can change is perhaps my interpretation of what had happened which is where I get to the next level.


  The Second Step, this is reframing, interpreting the situation as Positive. And that would be the benefit finder. What’s the silver lining here? What is the growth opportunity here? So if I am going through a very difficult time, perhaps look at it through the Buddhist perspective and say: “ well, this is a tool for growth; this will help me better understand myself as well as others, become a better educator, become a better business person, whatever it is. Seeing it again, the silver lining, the opportunity in failure.

  One very important technique that we didn’t talk about much, just in passing, is distracting, distraction, is looking toward other place. It’s not always good. In fact, sometimes detrimental to stay and analyze every single emotion, feeling, through that comes up. Ruminating in and of itself does not always help. Sometimes the best thing to do is when a negative thought comes up, or negative feeling comes up is to distract ourselves from it by, for example, going to listen to a piece of music, going for a run, talking to someone either about that or something else. Now this is very different from avoiding. Because it is not about saying, “all right, I am not going to deal with any of the issues in my life.” It’s just saying that if there is a recurrent thought or feeling, and I’m experiencing is Sisyphean battle against it-you know, pushing the stone up and being pushed down again, up and down again.

  Sometimes it is better, more helpful to just say, “ Ok, I’m not going to ruminate; it’s pointless. This neural in my mind is being so reinforced. It’s not going anywhere.” And then to say, “let me move on.” Let me listen to a nice piece of music. Let me go for a run that will really help get my mind off this.” And every often, what a run can do is also help me look at it in a different, through a different lens.

  And finally, the third P is about taking Perspective, this is really gonna matter. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and it’s all Small Stuff. Now I don’t necessarily agree with the second-“ it’s all small stuff”, but certainly a lot of things that we sweat about in our lives are small stuff. Now the issue with not sweating the small stuff is asking a simple question: is this going to matter in a year? You know, in a large schema of things, does it really matter? Is it worth my worrying, and fretting, and being depressed and upset and anxious about this now? Is this really going to matter in a year?

2014年11月13日 星期四






  這是Thomas Watson 的故事,他是IBM的創建者,至今日仍舊每天不斷的改造,所以IBM能發展至今。IBM剛成立還在發展打字機時,有一名員工犯了策略性錯誤,給IBM損失了一百萬美元,當時對IBM來說是一筆很大的錢。於是他犯錯後第二天,去找了創辦人Thomas Watson並且給他一封信,Thomas Watson並且打開信讀了讀,問那員工說:這是甚麼?他說:先生,這是我的辭職信。為什麼辭職?先生,我剛犯了錯,為您的公司造成了一百萬美元的損失,我不想…你一直對我很好,我不想讓你煩惱是否要炒了我,所以我主動辭職。Thomas把信撕了說:炒了你?我剛為你的教育投入了一百萬美元,現在我要炒了你?不論這故事是百分之百真實或部分真實,在IBM公司廣為流傳,在IBM公司應造良好的氛圍,告訴大家,你必須嘗試。

You Have To Try

   I’m done work on an education teams, on groups for many years. And what I found was there are certain conditions that if they are put into place in an organization, the group is more likely to perform well. Certain conditions, such as a clear, engaging goal for the team, for the group, such as an enabling team structure, such as supportive organization, such as effective coaching. When a group has these conditions in place, it will not only perform better. So I’m very methodical, very hard working. But they are significant in the opposite direction. Again this the phase of decades or work. And I said, “well, a result is a result; reality is reality. We have to go back to the field. We have to understand this phenomenon.”

   Psychological safety is the feeling, the experience, the space that you feel in your workplace, in your organization where you are safe talking about errors and mistakes, where you feel safe falling down and getting up again. And these organization with their own psychological safety, they performed better. Many research showing how groups organizations with their psychological safety with their employees don’t or are not afraid of whistle blowing or not afraid of falling down of making mistakes. These organizations are significantly more successful. These are learning organizations with the employees constantly learn and grow. Or you learn from your mistakes and then the next time you are able to do better.

  Whether it’s for leaders, whether it’s for parents, would you have this psychological safety for your kids, while they feel comfortable talking to you about things that they did not do well, about failures. Because if they do feel comfortable, they are much less likely to enter into this perfectionistic fear of failure. And they are much more likely to be happier as well as successful.

   This is a story about Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, one organization that he invented and reinvented itself numerous times-continues on the daily basis. And that’s why it survives. So there was an employee are the beginning when IBM was founded, when they were making type writers, an employee made a strategic error. And the error was that he actually lost IBM a million dollars and a million dollars at that time for IBM was a lot of money. So the next day, after he made that mistake, he comes to see Thomas Watson, the founder and gives him a letter. Thomas Watson opens the letter and reads it and look at the employee and says, “ what is this?” He says, “ sir, it’s my letter of resignation”.”Why resignation?” “ Sir, I just made a mistake that cost your organization a million dollars. I don’t wantyou’ve been great to me. I don’t want to put you through this difficult experience of firing me. So I’m resigning”. Thomas took the letter and tore it and said, “Fire you? Fire you?”I’ve just invested a million dollars in your education and I’m going to fire you? Now whether this story is exactly true, or almost true, it’s still that circulates around IEM, and a story that creates a certain reality in IBM, a reality that says” you have to try”.

2014年11月11日 星期二




推動世界前進的重任 並不是由完人來進行的


Elbert Hubbard說過,一個人能犯的最大錯誤,就是害怕犯錯。這裡有一個例子,有一個人犯錯,失敗了一次又一次,我給他失敗大王稱號,原因如下:22歲時剛找到工作就失業了,不是辭職,是失業。23歲時他決定投身政治,因為其他工作他都不在行,但是也沒有成功,於是繼續回去經商,又沒有成功。27歲時壓力太大,他崩潰了,精神崩潰。但又重新站起來了,7年後他34歲時,競選國會議員,名落孫山,沒有成功。39歲時,還沒有學乖,又一次競選議員失敗,他說,讓我試試更高層的。46歲時真失敗,還沒有學乖,沒關係,學會失敗,從失敗中學習。你都46歲了適可而止吧!到了47歲他試圖競選副總統,還沒學乖,又失敗了。到了50歲他試圖競選參議員,他幾乎想放棄了,但最終他沒有,到了51歲,他成了美國第16任總統-林肯總統。大概是美國歷史上最有影響力的總統,他談起這段經歷時說「失敗讓人痛苦」,當然他的確有成功過。



My Experiments with Truth 

The important work of moving the world forward

 does not wait to be done by perfect men


 “Wei Ji”, the Chinese character for crisis, has two parts: the first part is danger-this is the front character; the after character, opportunity. There is danger of failing. And wherever there is a crisis, to learn and grow.

Elbert Hubbard: The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one. These is an example of a person who had made mistakes, who failed time and time and again. I’m giving him the position of ultimate failure. And here is why: At the age of 22, already-just started a new job, lost it. Didn’t leave – he lost it. At the age of 23, decided to go into politics because he wasn’t doing well in other jobs. But didn’t make it there either. And then he went back to business, didn’t make it there. At the age of 27, it was just too much for him. Just too much- and he collapsed. Had a nervous breakdown. But then got up again after falling. And at the age of 34, 7 years after his nervous breakdown, he ran for congress- wasn’t even close. Didn’t make it. At the age of 39, hasn’t learned the lesson yet. And he was defeated again for congress. And then he said, ”let me go try higher.” At the age of 46, what a loser! Doesn’t learn, does he? OK. Yeah. It’s OK. Learn to fail. Fail to learn. But I mean you are 46 years old. C’mon! Give it up already. At the age of 47, he tried to be nominated for the vice President. Didn’t learn. Didn’t make it. So at the age of 50, he tried again for Senate. And then he almost gave up. But he didn’t. And at the age of 51, he became the 16th President of the United States- Abraham Lincoln President. Arguably the most important President this country has ever had. And through it all and he talks about it,” It was difficult to fail.” Of course he had victories.

We simplified the process. It was difficult to fail. He did not enjoy failing. But he persisted it. Because he understood just like every other successful person throughout history has understood and understands : there is no other way to learn; there is no way to grow.

There is no way, Thomas Edison. Remember! “I failed my way to success”. Trying and failing, trying and failing and succeeding, and failing again, and trying again. “The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.” Be prepared to fail. Just do it! Just act! Yet gives yourself the permission to fail.












No other way to grow  

No other way to learn

  You know what a psychologist do? Psychologists watch people. And I watch you every time, And I watch very closely. What I see? This takes a lot of insight, experience, wisdom, but you know what I see every time when you come in? That you all are very good walkers. Terrific. Well done! Yes! You deserve it! Absolutely! But here is the question: could you have gotten to this stage, to being such good walkers without having fallen hundreds and thousands of times? It’s not possible. Learn to fail or fail to learn.

  And as kids, we know it. We fall down and maybe we cry a little bit if it hurts, but we get up again. We fall down. And we laugh. The joy of learning. Where is it? Where is it? Where does it go? Well it goes away because we come to a certain age when we begin to understand other people are watching us, and then the image kicks in.” I’m not going to try, because what if I fall?” Oh, no no no. I’m not going to try for this play, because hardly anyone gets that. Oh, I’m not going to share, because what if they don’t like what I have to say. Or “everyone is so smart. I’m not going to speak up.” And we avoid instead of coping. And that affects our self esteem, our confidence, our resilience, our happiness levels in the long term. Learn to fail or fail to learn.

  Not giving up ambition, not giving up hard work, not giving up pain of failure- because that’s inevitable. But simple have a more rational, a more helpful, a more empowering approach toward failure. Remember it takes courage to come up to the stage, but courage is not about not having fear; it’s about having fear and going ahead anyway.

    The one thing that I really don’t like doing teaching. I love to teach, but the one thing that I really don’t like doing- is grading ,I hate grading. But you know, as a teacher, you have to do it, you have to do it. I have an important question for person, could you have gotten to drawing a real circle without having drawn hundreds and thousands of failed circles? Absolutely. There is no other way to succeed. Learn to fail or fail to learn- there’s no other way.

  But remember, remember how we learn. There is no other way, no other way to grow. No other way to learn. No other way to become more resilient, happier, more successful.


2014年11月8日 星期六

















More Perfect than the Moon

I am writing here now. My son Jerry says it is my turn to keep the journal.

I am almost in third grade. I can spell, you know. And I know many things, I also know many words, some of them important words. Like




I will have to look up the meaning and thing of ecstatic.

I am a watcher. I am a listener, too. I am invisible. I can make myself so small and quiet and hidden that sometimes no one knows I am here to watch and listen.

  Except for my mother. She finds me everywhere. She sees me when I’m hiding. Mother tells me she can through walls.

  But she won’t stop me.

  I will find lots to seeing about.

Watch me!


2014年11月7日 星期五








  1989年我通過小學校長甄試,我了解,只有付出才有收穫,我持續學習努力工作。1997年通過國中校長甄試,我欣喜若狂,人生從沒有如此快樂,那一刻我對自己說,付出終於有回報,都是值得的,我會更快樂。2004通過高中校長甄試,我對自己說,這是我的目標,我每天和同伴辛勤工作 我們辛勤工作,表現越來越好。


Here and Now

  Every time is a changing time. Changing in this time. In many ways, my shift, my journey from perfectionism and it’s an on-going journey, a journey that goes on right now as we speak, my journey from perfectionism to the pursuit of excellence is the most intimately linked with my journey toward becoming happier. So I want to share some personal things that I’ve been through. I would wake up at 6 am in the morning after breakfast and got to school. Right after school-it was next to a walk, and then late evening, I would go home, enjoy reading and then go to sleep. For tears, this was my pattern. It was pleasure. It was enjoying, especially the interval learning work out with my colleague.

    And I was sustained by the belief, by the vision, by my personal mission at the time of helping others. I said to myself, “I f I arrival this , then I’ll be happy; Then I’ll be calm. And it’s all going to be worth it.” Why? Because no pain, no gain.

    We are doing all these things to squeeze things together so we can save time. And I don’t know about you but I don’t have anymore time. I have less time. But let’s just say we could save up a whole chunk of time and set it aside. You know what we’d do with it? Nothing. Nothing at all. Isn’t that the point to be able to do nothing at all? But we’re not guaranteed that later on chunk of time. All I have is Here And Now and that’s why procrastination feels so right!

   Procrastination is not the problem. It is the solution. It is the universe’s way of saying” Stop. Slow down. You move too fast. Listen to the music. Whoa whoa, listen to the music”. Remember this” PROCRASTINATE NOW. DON’T PUT IT OFF .

  In 1989, I reached the Primary School Principal Examination, I understand-no pain, no gain. And I continued to learn and work hard. In 1997, I through the Junior School Principal Examination, I was ecstatic, joyous, happier than I ever remember myself being. And at that moment, I said to myself “it all paid off. It was all worth it.” And at that moment I said to myself “it all paid off. It was all worth it. Because now I was ready to be happy.” In 2004 I through High School Principal Examination again, I said, “ this is my goal, this is my objective.” And I work hard every single day with my partners, we work harder and harder. And we got better and better.

  Now there is no perfectionist, there is no one person who is on the extreme, nor there is a person who’s on the excellence extreme. The key is how do become great, everyone have ambitious, having a different approach toward the journey of our life, toward each step of the way.

2014年11月5日 星期三






Behavior will Affect our Attitude

Behavior will affect our attitude, for overcoming procrastination? First, most important one, simple, easy to implement and it works. It’s what they call” the 5 minutes take-off”. One of the things they found with, just about all procrastinator is that they have a misunderstanding of what it takes to act. Procrastinators, the world over, think that in order to act, they first need to be inspired. I have to feel the vibes, before I start the solve problem set. I really have to be inspired before I write this paper for Lit and Arts. But you know what? That’s not how it works. That’s not how it works.

It’s not about first changing our attitude. Becoming inspired and then acting. It usually works the other way around. We first need to start acting, behavior that will then affect our attitude. Because very often once we start, we are on a roll. Or sometimes, a few times, during let’s say the 90 minutes sprint, we have to restart the 5 minutes.

I am extremely, extremely passionate about education. I love educational psychology. But you know sometimes when I get up in the morning, and I write something about school activity or read educational psychology article. Sometimes I don’t feel like starting, you know, this is actually a very big surprise for myself. Yeah, sometimes I really don’t feel like getting up. “How’s that’s possible”? Yes, exactly! Because I know the 5 minutes take –off. And sometimes within a 90 minutes session, I have to do another 5 minutes take-off, because my energy levels are drained. So either take time off to recover, or if I think that is just procrastination. I say it’s OK. For 5 minutes. Just push. And very often that 5 minutes start an upward spiral. Not through the mind. Not through the heart. Through acting.