Enjoy the
I can move forward and enjoy the process, it’s
a better understanding. So the first step is awareness. After we have awareness,
it’s about going back to notion of rewarding effort. Remember, we were able to
change students and adult’s mind set with as little as a few hours. And
sometimes, this mind set has been set in them from a very young age. The fixed
versus the malleable mind set, our brain constantly changes by teaching them that
to focus on the journey, on the effort, as opposed to the outcomes, as opposed
the intelligence, was able to change their mind set.
So in ourselves we can focus on a reward on
our effort, on our process, whether it’s failure or success. Active acceptance.
It will always be part of us. You know one of the things that perfectionists
very often do when they realize they are perfectionists and that is hurting
them: they apply the perfectionist approach to overcoming perfectionism, which
means, I will become perfect person who is committed to excellence. That doesn’t
work. That’s just more perfectionism. But what active acceptance is about
saying. Ok, So I’m not…So
I’m still perfectionist. I will always probably have part of it in me. And that’s
One of the things that Buddhists talk about
is that very often, our greatest challenges, what we would call “our neurosis.”
Whether it’s perfectionism, the fear of failure whether it’s anger that comes
up once in a while, anxiety, whatever it is that we have- that “issue”. The
Buddhists cognitively reframe it and say, “ we need to look at it as a tool, as
a tool for growth, as a way of learning about ourselves, digging deep inside
ourselves and growing.” So to look at it- OK, so this is an opportunity for growth,
for personal learning, for reflection, for more empathy toward other people-
whatever it is. But to look at it as a tool. Accept it. And then act.
The next thing, after we accept it, we go
ahead and change it. And we go ahead and change it by introducing behavior. The
key issue here is behavior.