2014年10月28日 星期二




   如果我們把午餐作為修復,在此同時還寫Email 或打電話,那就不是修復,那是更多壓力。但如果我們只是享受午餐享受美食,或者只是與相愛的人在一起,那就是修復。專注是關鍵,工作也是如此。




Finding You Passion Changes Everything


  Quantity affects quality. Love is affected negatively by stress. If we can help to simplify their lives, thus reducing their stress levels, it is very likely that people’s relationships would be enriched greatly. Moreover, the positive aspects of their lives would be enriched accordingly. It affects every area of our lives, whether it’s our love life, whether it’s our experience with our kids, whether it’s our experience doing work or reading, spending time with friends or writing. There can be too much of a good thing.

  So if we have lunch and we use lunch as recovery, and at the same time we are on the phone and doing email, that’s not recovery, that’s simply more stress. But if we have just lunch and focus on our eating and enjoy it, or just spend time with people we love, that’s recovery. The key is focus. The same thing applies to work.

  Now it’s not possible in our work today, certainly not in leadership positions which many of you already got or will assume in the future, it’s not possible to eliminate multi-tasking. The key though is to reduce it. Just a quick show of hands: how many people here, while you are doing work that requires concentration, that requires focus- whether it’s writing, or doing reading, or anything else that requires concentration, how many people here have their emails on at the same time? ‘It’s most people in the West that, who do that. When you have your email on, while you are doing work that requires concentration, it is equivalent to taking off 10 IQ points. 10 IQ points.

   The IQ those who try to juggle messages at work fell by 10 points, the equivalent of missing a whole night sleep. Look, nothing will happen if you switch off your email for 2 hours at a time. Nothing will happen. Except for thing that will happen, you’ll get another message saying: you know- the server may have been down or, so you are not sure you got my email.

2014年10月21日 星期二


努力工作 玩得開心










Work Hard Play Hard


 When we frustrate a psychological, physical need. We pay a price for it, whether it’s the need for recovery or the need for physical exercise or the need for certain vitamins or protein. We pay a price for it. And the key is, to introduce these natural recovery periods into our lives. And here is the key. The key is focus. Focus on both work as well as recovery.

What makes some individuals succeed despite living in a modern world or living with ambition and success? Well these individuals know how to focus when they work, when they play. To use a cliché, they work hard and they play hard. What does that mean specially? First of all, in recovery. They understand that quantity affects quality. A scientist wanted to understand was the affective the emotional experience of women during the day. And what he did was ask women to evaluate their experiences right after they had that particular experience: so what was it like for you? And they evaluated their experience at work. They evaluated their experience shopping. They evaluated their experience spending time with their intimate partners, with their children, having lunch with friends, whatever it was. They evaluated how they were doing during the day.

The most surprising finding of this result was that these women did not particularly enjoy time they spent with their kids. Now this result was very surprising to him. When he probed further-he and his co-authors: it wasn’t the fact that the women didn’t love their kids, I mean they love their kids. For most of these women, kids were the most meaningful, important thing in their lives. However, their experience with their kids often was not pleasurable- the second component of happiness, very meaningful, but not always pleasurable.

Why? When they probed further, they found out exactly why. Because this women, when they were with their kids, they were not really with their kids, meaning they were on the phone at the same time, or doing email, or thinking about what they had, they did earlier at work, or what they had to do later at home. They were distracted . And they were not present with their kids. Now individually, discreetly, they may have very enjoyed being on the phone, with a friend, or doing work or thinking about what they have to do later.

Each discreet individual activity may have been a lot of fun. But together, it was too much of a good thing. And quantity affects quality. I mean, thinking about the following analogy. Thinking about the following analogy. Thinking about your favorite piece of music and listening to it with your eyes close and focus. So your favorite piece of music- if it’s like mine, probably is Whitney Houston’s “ And I will Always Love You.” There’s another one here with good taste in music. And you listen to Whitney Houston or whatever your favorite piece of music is. You eyes close and you focus. Then you rate it on a scale of one to ten. And of course, perfect ten: you are touched. You are moved. You are inspired.

And then you listen to your second most favorite piece of music, which, if it is like mine, it’s the chorus piece from Beethoven’s Ninth. And you listen to it, you focus on it. And again, you rate it on a scale of one to ten. Not quite high as “ And I will Always Love You”, but it’s a nine and a half. And then, for maximum effect, you take the two pieces together and play them. And what do you get? A nineteen and a half, right? No, not a ten. Not even a five. It’s noise. This is modern life for you. This is modern life.

We have activities; we have so many wonderful things in our lives. But we have too many of them. And you know what that often does? It very often leads to guilt and frustration. Why? Because I say to myself: how is that possible? I love doing what I’m doing! I’m so fortunate to have so many amazing, wonderful things, people, experiences in my life. And yet I fail to be happy! There must be something wrong with me. No, there’s nothing wrong with you. It’s perfectly natural, just like you will not be able to enjoy the two pieces of music played together even though individually they are your two most favorite pieces of music. Too much of a good thing. Quantity does affect quality.

2014年10月12日 星期日






修復有幾個不同的層面:( 多元修復)





Recovery Stress become more Strong

Stress wasn’t the problem. That stress in and of itself is actually good, just like in athletics, just like in sports, when we stress a muscle, the muscle develop- it grows. When we stress ourselves psychologically, emotionally, we grow. We become more resilient. We become stronger.

It’s not good for a person who’s just born to be put in a sterile environment and be protected from all the stresses of the outside world, such as bacteria for example, which stresses the system. Cause it forces to grade antibodies. It’s not good for us to be in a sterile environment not physically- whether it’s in a closing environment as babies, not physically in terms of not doing sports, not pushing ourselves, and also not mentally and emotionally- which is why I said time and again: I wish children fail more. Because I think it is important to go through hardships, through difficulties. So stress is not the problem. The problem is lack of recovery.

And that is what we don’t have enough of in our culture not just at school. Most workplace- there is not enough place for recovery; in most school- which explains why levels of stress translate themselves to chronic stress, translate themselves to chronic anxiety, translate themselves to depression. It’s because we don’t have the recovery.

Recovery has a few levels( Multi-level Recovery)

  The recovery on the micro level. Recovery on the micro level, which is, for example, every 90 minutes of sprint, 15 minutes break- instead of marathon runners, being sprinters. It’s 15 minutes meditation. It’s a one hour lunch, where we really give ourselves time to recover. It’s going to the gym on a regular basis. It’s the15 minutes of listening to our favorite piece of music, speaking to a friend or whatever it is. The recovery on the micro level.

The recovery on the mezzo level.

  And people who recover, who have recovered during their workday- show how important it is in a workplace to have recoveries and people who do it are more productive, more creative and in the long term, also happier, higher levels of job satisfaction. Recovery also on the mezzo level the full night sleep, the day off during once a week at least. Time off recreate so that we can create, and finally, the vacations. Holidays . Longer periods. You see, the other thing that happens when we are constantly on the run is that we miss the beauty that’s all around us and within us. We miss the real potential for happiness, for joy, for appreciation that surrounds us day in and day out. And that’s why we take things for granted. Because we don’t take time to appreciate, to savor.

  And it’s not natural to do so. I mean can you imagine? Can you imagine a lion living in our modern world? Can you imagine a lion working at market? Or in investment banking? It’s unnatural. You know what a lion needs to do is yawn. They need to play. It is natural. The constraint view of human nature- nature to be commanded must be obeyed, our nature dictates that we need recovery. All animals do.


2014年10月9日 星期四



  當你只有重視天賦的時候,就是在製造完美主義的基模,而不是專注於旅途中努力的基模。「如果你稱讚孩子的智力,當他們失敗時,他們會認為自己不再聰明,然後失去對眼前工作的興趣。相反那些被稱讚努力的孩子,在困難面前不會氣餒,甚至更動力。」這兩種方式造成許多明顯的不同。被稱讚智力的人會產生這樣的基模- 要嘛我很聰明,要嘛我就不聰明,我很害怕不聰明,所以我就選擇容易一點的任務吧!當我無法做到時就是攻擊,是對於我基模的侮辱,沒錯吧?這是對於直線的偏離。相對的,如果努力才是最重要的,「好吧,讓我試試看吧」,「我學到了很多,這真有意思」。因為一個是既定思維模式,另一個是可拓展的,時刻改變和可發展的模式。一個是害怕失敗,因為我想聰明。




Taking Action

What happens when you focus only on the intelligence, on how smart you are, you are creating the perfectionist schema, as opposed to a schema that focus on the journey, effort, hard work. “ When you praise kid’s intelligence and then they fail, they think they’re not smart anymore, and they lose interest in their work. In contrast, kid’s praised for effort show no impairment and often are energized in the face of difficulty.” What difference just based on these two approaches. Person who is praised for their intelligence creates this schema, either I’m intelligent or I’m not. And I’m afraid of not being intelligent, so I choose the easier task. And when I can’t do something, it’s an attack, it’s an insult on my schema, right? It’s a deviation from this straight narrow. In contrast, if effort is most important, “ Ok, let me see what’s around the corner here.”” Hey, I’m learning a lot now. This is wonderful. This is fun.” Because with one, it’s “a fixed mindset”. And the other it’s the malleable, changing, ongoing, developing mindset. One- there is fear of failure, cause I want to be smart.

    It’s fun being called smart and intelligent. I don’t want to threaten the schema. Versus working hard, focusing on the process, when the excellence schema becomes the dominant modus operandi. So how do we overcome perfectionism? What do we do about it if we have it? And again, remember there’s no perfectionist. There is no perfect person committed to excellence. You need to choose in your life where you are happy, and where you think you can be happier. This may not even speak to you.

   This is for you may be just interesting academically, or it may be deeply personal. So how do we become more and more of the excellence schema?

 First, it is about self-awareness. It’s about understanding. You first need to be aware of what it is that you want to improve. So that’s the first step. And that’s easier said than done.

 Second step is focus on a reward effort, when we focus on effort, people’s effort, we are able to change schema that has been engrained there, so with ourselves, or with other people, it’s about focusing on the journey, focusing on and rewarding ourselves at times, even for failure, for trying.

    People’s mind is malleable, we can bring about change. Active acceptance, however, whereas before, I was here on the extreme of perfectionism; now I’m much closer to the excellence extreme. And it’s a life long... It’s an on- going process. And the key here is to accept that it will always be part of one’s life and then to say: “all right, so what do I do now?’ In other word, it is about then taking action. Behavior, it’s about coping, putting ourselves on the line, then ask people, “ so you know give me feedback about it”.


2014年10月1日 星期三




  有一個由史丹佛教授Carol Dweck所做的研究,他描述,有別的因素導致完美,不是所有的讚美都是好的。對一個孩子說你很棒,你很出色,不吝讚美之詞,你太聰明了,你太驚人,我的小愛因斯坦,這也不是很好。長期看來可能是有害的,這也會導致完美主義的基模。





Success Elements: Smart ant Intelligent or Effort Hard Work

   We discuss about the destination. It’s not about the hard work, the journey, the character, change that needs to take place. And there is something else.

  There is a research done by Stanford Professor Carol Dweck, There is something else that leads to perfectionism. She illustrates is that not all praise is good. Telling a kid you are wonderful, you are terrific, you are great, no matter what indiscriminately you are so smart, you are so amazing, my little Einstein that’s not always good. That may be harmful in the long run. And it may create the perfectionism schema.

  There is a group of 10years old and randomly divided them into two groups. The first group did a puzzle which they completed successfully, each one individually. And at the end, for each one when he or she completed the puzzle, and say,”wow. You are so intelligence. So smart.” And of course, they felt good about it. Terrific. The second group did the exact same puzzle- succeeded: did well. And at the end of it, she said,” wow. You put so much effort into it. You worked so hard.” Again, randomly divided into these two groups. One- “ smart ant intelligent”; one – “effort, hard work.”

  And she had a second part of the study. The second part: the participant had to choose between two puzzles. One puzzles they were told was relatively easy one they could do well. The other one was extremely hard, but they could really learn a lot from it. From the group that was told that they were smart or smart and intelligent, 50 percent choose the easy one; 50 percent chose the hard one where they could learn a lot. From the group that was told that they were hard- working, that they put in a lot of effort, 90 percent chose the hard one, the one that they could learn from. This was the part two of the study.

  Part three: She brought them in again, and this time had them take, or do a puzzle which was very difficult, which was essentially unsolvable. And she wanted to see the reaction of the two groups. The group that was told how smart they were, how intelligent they were, that group didn’t persist much and experienced a lot of frustration and would give up very quickly on that puzzle. In contrast, the group that was told earlier that they worked hard and that put in a lot of effort persisted much more and actually enjoyed the process, even though they didn’t end up solving the puzzle. But they enjoyed the process and they worked harder.

  Look at this slight manipulation. Simply one sentence – “ oh you are so smart!” “oh you are working so hard!” One sentence lead to this significant difference. Emphasizing effort gives a child a variable that they can control. They come to see themselves as in control of their success. Emphasizing natural intelligence takes it out of the child’s control, and it provides no good recipe for responding to a failure.

Chinese thought: ancient wisdom meets modern science.