2014年7月31日 星期四












PS:活力精進 Vitality

2014年7月30日 星期三



Keep Running

I will keep running, no matter how much I feel like giving up.








  七十年前,我們的創辦人指出,學校需要培育好人,但她也注意到,沒有知識的善良是無用的。我們都體認到,在學校,知識是關鍵,「沒有知識的善良是無用的,沒有善良的知識是危險的」”that goodness without knowledge is rather useless, that knowledge without goodness is dangerous”

 Keep Running

  I will keep running, no matter how much I feel like giving up. What does courage look like in action, and how will you know when you need it?

  Seven decade ago, the founders of Fuhsing noted that schools needed to develop good people, but she also noted that goodness without knowledge is rather useless on its own. We recognize that in school, knowledge is certainly critical. ”that goodness without knowledge is rather useless, that knowledge without goodness is dangerous”.


2014年7月25日 星期五




What we see change who we are




Could education change the world? In some ways, education change the world. Education is not supposed to change the world to change practical things but to change perceptions. Education can change the way we see the world.

Actually the fact that education cannot change things makes it a neutral place for exchange and discussions, and then enables you to change the world. What we see change who we are.

  But given a choice, I would rather have the warrior heart. I want to make this world good. Not better, but to make it good, Why not? It is possible. Look around our school, all this knowledge, energy, talent. Let’s got off our classroom, roll up our sleeves and get to work, passionately in creating an almost perfect world.

2014年7月24日 星期四




  和朋友談天時,常常有人說要有Big Goal,但是大目標要有大手筆,如何達成需要的能源可能不是一時可以解決的,因此以完美為目標的創作者,最後可能一事無成,因無法達到標準,信心因而被擊垮,所以,把握目前所擁有,一點一滴往前進,聚沙可以成塔,每天的能量是無止盡的。




2014年7月23日 星期三













You’ve come too far to give up now









   颱風天也是讀書天,閱讀天下雜誌,報導第一名模林志玲的獨立與韌性,談及小學時的林志玲,每天打開衣櫥,就會看到用毛筆寫的十個字母:Leadership 領導力。每個字母後面都接了一個單字, Love Education 教育, Action 行動力Determinate 決心Enthusiastic 熱情Relationship 人際關係Sincere 真誠Humble 謙虛International 國際觀Prepare 準備。若每個字都做到,就可以當自己的主人。人格特質從小培養,可以看到林爸爸的用心,也感受到家庭教育的重要。世界從來不是平靜無波,每個人都應志氣飽滿,人是一切改變的起點,改變,從來都不容易,努力衝撞,別忘了大夢想,夢想需要實踐。

2014年7月22日 星期二


傾聽內在聲音 看見微笑世界




  有時感受到時光飛逝,一年倏忽已過;但是一天是很長的,重複的行為可以造就一個人,每天為之形成習慣。有人說卓越不是單一的舉動,而是一種習慣,因為有很多人興致來時,熱力四射能量源源不絕,可是卻無法達成目標,這就是習慣沒有養成,也就是說沒有養成規律、腳踏實地的工作習慣。其實凡人有其創意的源頭,也有其極限。要想Be Excellent at Anything(凡事卓越)是很難的,不用苛求凡事美好(Be Perfect at Anything),在耕耘中做就對了、不管有沒有靈感,做就對了,累積跬步必能致千里,年輕的朋友,在此紛擾極易分心的世界中,請找到自己專注的力量。

  凡人的瑣事,過多的訊息會吸走我們的潛力,讓自己無法做真正重要的事,只有真正掌握每一天,才能成就自己的熱望;每一天,都是有靈感的,這個靈感不應自己獨享,應該是和周遭的人一起分享,更重要的事這份靈感來自於just do it!只要做就對了!



十年磨一劍 累積短期內能做的事,必能成就長期可完成的事。


  這是個嶄新的世界,在這個世界裡,每個人都有個無形的大門永遠敞開著,Line 的聲響,隨時傳遞著人與人之間的悄悄話語,在自己的房間裡,已經不再是只有自己一個人。如何駕馭科技工具,在令人分心的世界中找到自己寧靜專注的力量,磨練自己的思維,也產出執行力量,是職場人士應尋求的巧門。





2014年7月20日 星期日



Writing Practice

Dear stranger:

I am Tiffany from Taiwan as you will see from my letter. I am answering your question. I have never been give up, though I have been asked. I have lived with my husband, who is about to be retire then we have a wonderful life.

I have always loved to live at the city, but at this time I feel a move is necessary. And the truth is, the city is as far as I can go. My choice, as you can see, is limited. This should not be taken as an insult. I am strong and I work hard and I willing to travel. But I am not mild mannered. If you should still care for me, I would be interested in your country and about where you live. And you.


Very truly yours,





An exquisite, sometimes painfully touching tale.

一本書(Sarah, Plain and Tall),描述了智慧,溫柔幽默,和美好生活所必需的實際問題。一個有關家庭從脆弱開始至永恆的感人故事。

A book(Sarah, Plain and Tall) that is filled with wisdom, gentle humor, and the practical concerns necessary for a satisfying life. A tender story about the fragile beginnings of a family relationship on its way to permanence.


Skylark Caleb's story
More perfect than the moon
Arthur, For the Very First Time
Through Grandpa's Eyes
Cassie Binegar
Mama One, Mama Two
Seven Kisses in a Row
Unclaimed Treasures
The Facts and Fictions of Minna Pratt
All the Places to Love
What You Know First
Three Names
-Sarah, Plain and Tall

雲雀 迦勒的故事

--Sarah, Plain and Tall

  Every single day, I told myself for the second time this week. For the twentieth time this month. The hundredth time this year. And the past few years. Yes,don't get so close, Pao, you'll heat up.


2014年7月18日 星期五



  詹志禹教授在「發現孩子的亮點」(Finding Kids Shine)一書中提到了一個個案故事(P184)--數學差點毀掉作家三毛。大意如此:已故名作家三毛女士,就讀高中時,各科成績都不錯,但唯獨數學最差,因此他非常怕數學。有一天,他無意間發現數學考題都出自某參考書,因此,他就把下一次可能考的題目的答案都背下來,果然考試完全命中那些題目,她考了極高的分數。









The secret to high performance






I don’t want to tell a story, I want to make a case, I want to make a hard-headed, evidence-based, dare I say lawyerly case for rethinking how we run our organization.

When I bring you into a classroom, I give you a chalk and I say to you, ”your job is to write words on the blackboard ”. Now what would you do? You take chalk and write down your idea, this is the almost people doing, but this is not the best good method.

If we really want high performance on those definitional tasks of the 21st century, the solution is not to do more of the thinking model, we need a whole new approach. It’s an approach built much more around intrinsic motivation. Around the desire to do things because they matter, because we like it, because they’re interesting, because they are part of something important.

And to my mind, that new operating system for our organization revolves around three elements: Autonomy; Mastery; Purpose. Autonomy, the urge to direct our own lives. Mastery, the desire to get better and better at something that matters. Purpose, the yearning to do what do in the service of something large than ourselves.

The secret to high performance, isn’t rewards and punishments, but that unseen intrinsic drive. The drive to do things for their own sake. The drive to do things cause they matter. And here’s the best part. Here’s the best part. The science confirms what we know in our hearts. If we get past this ideology, we can solve a lot of those problems, and maybe, maybe, maybe, we can change the world.

2014年7月16日 星期三



Show Values In Action


  Values are woven into the lessons by the selection of literature and class discussions. We are committed to helping our students know what is the right and decent way to act, and helping them to choose to act that way, guided by the principles of honesty, respect, responsibility, and kindness. In addition to mastering a rigorous academic curriculum. Students will become: The first, ethical people who : take responsibility for personal actions; act with honesty, fairness, integrity, and kindness; demonstrate respect for self and others. make wise choices; engage in physical activity; maintain a balance between schoolwork and fun. Second, creative thinkers who: use multiple strategies to analyze and solve problems; demonstrate intellectual curiosity; respond to information and develop independent ideas. Third, healthy individuals who: make wise choices; engage in physical activity; demonstrate emotional well-being; maintain a balance between schoolwork and fun.



Educator mission and vision







  As an educator is an innovative 21st century learning community. Our mission is to inspire each student to be a confident, creative, caring, and moral individual prepared to adapt and succeed anywhere in a rapidly changing world. We provide an education with a global perspective that result in a love of learning, academic excellence, a balanced life and service to others. We offer opportunities for students to reach their full potential to become caring, competent, knowledgeable young people who are dedicated to making a positive difference anywhere in the world.

In addition to offering a rich and varied academic and cocurricular program, a school of excellence must also provide character education for students within a structured, radically intentional character formation program. Elementary school students show in action, middle school students sign a character code, and upper school students sign an honor code. Moral culture is palpable and embedded in the very culture and curriculum. Our values are:

Honesty: I am truthful to myself and others.
Kindness: I am considerate, compassionate, and caring.
Respect: I value myself and others, appreciate our differences, and treat
         others as I would want to be treated.
Responsibility: I am trustworthy, reliable and accountable to myself and
         my environment.

2014年7月15日 星期二



Programs at a glance


此部分可讓您快速了解我們的國中所有課程。以及對私立復興中學的參考資訊。復興高中是一所男女合校的私立學校,學生3500多人 從幼稚園至十二年級,以國際化觀點提供中國和美式教育,讓孩子樂於學習。我們的編制和設備提供學生晉升與成功的機會。




This section allows you to learn about all of our middle school programs quickly. Think of it as your reference for all things middle school at Fuhsing private school.

Taipei Fuhsing Private School is an independent, co-educational school for students of more than 3500 from pre-K through grade twelve. It is uniquely positioned to offer a Chinese –American based educational with a global perspective that results in a love for learning. Our organizational structure and school facilities provide the foundation for our students to succeed and every opportunity to reach new heights.

Our elementary and middle school program welcomes students into an internationally-designed curriculum shaped by careful attention to their unique needs at this age. Teams of teachers work in tandem to see that students’ emotional, social, academic, aesthetic, and physical needs are met. Our commitment to preparing students for success academically and ethically at their best-fit college or university and for life anywhere in a rapidly changing world, the school assures proper with what will come next for students as they enter the college preparatory curriculum of the upper school.

  Our teachers are passionate about their students. We seek to foster the entire individual-engaging their minds as well as educating their character. Faculty members have outstanding credentials in their individual fields of expertise, with all teachers having earned a bachelor’s degree, and more than 70%holding a master’s or doctorate degree.

  Taipei Fuhsing Private School has more than 350 faculty members, including approximately 300 Taiwan citizens, 50third –country nationals, providing unique perspectives for our students. Our faculty members take pride in modeling the idea of life-long learning to our students by attending conferences in their disciplines and by continually evaluating teaching methods during scheduled professional development days. Professional development at Taipei Fuhsing Private School aims to ensure the success of each and every student by developing and supporting a learning community focused on the continuous improvement of curriculum, assessments, instruction, and the learning environment.

2014年7月14日 星期一




Leadership and Service from Camp Vacation






  Clubs focusing on service, leadership, and varied student interests are all unique experience enjoyed after school. The well-being and development of our students are of the utmost importance to our faculty.

  Learning at school does not stop when classes finish. Most middle school students choose to attend interest=based clubs, volunteer their time in service clubs, or assume more responsibilities with clubs focused on furthering leadership skills. It is yet another way we promote personal growth as students find activities that are truly meaningful and experiences that are memorable.

  Taiwan has a wonderfully unique culture and offers beautiful natural sceneries that our students experience first- hand through Camp Vacation.

Camp Vacation offers our students an engaging culture experience and an adventure in learning at different sites around Taiwan. For one week at the beginning of the school year, students embark on a journey that allows them to interact with their teachers and peers in a more casual and relaxed setting. The friendships that develop in Camp Vacation usually last throughout the middle school years and beyond. Learning –The Bridge from an island to the world

2014年7月8日 星期二




World Languages and Classics



The two languages program provides the opportunity to explore and enjoy learning a new language. The environment is designed to be both fun and authentic by using native language audio materials. The program enables students to develop listening and speaking skills while, all the same time, building a solid foundation in reading and writing. Mandarin offers both a “heritage” and “learner track.”

The classics program comprises the study of language itself, not simply a language. Students learn to read and write the basic languages in which the great works of Western literature are written, and from which comes more than vocabulary of English. While becoming skilled in reading ancient languages, students constantly acquire new English vocabulary and reinforce their grammatical skills in all languages. The class includes the study of real ancient inscriptions and historical documents that bring the ancient world to life!


Athletics and Health



We believe that health bodies contribute to healthy minds. Our athletics program offers our students yet another opportunity to grow and shine. Our physical education and health courses are designed to support and promote student interest in our athletics program. Physical education and health are considered compulsory, specialist courses that provide exposure to the importance of a balanced and active life.

The athletics program is committed to developing teamwork, character, leadership, and dedication in our student athletes. The program prepares our students for upper school athletics through interscholastic competition. Students also have the opportunity to participate in a vibrant intramural program.

2014年7月7日 星期一




Learning from History




We believe that the ability to communicate in more than one language gives students the ability to relate better to other culture and people, and results in better global citizens.
The goal of the school history program is to cultivate global citizens by ensuring our students have knowledge of history, governments, economics, culture, and geography.
As a learner of history, students are exposed to different types of text and media. This provides opportunities to enhance note-taking skills and identify key points. Students are also expected to analyze primary and secondary sources. In studying history, students must apply the concepts of “ cause and effect” as well as “ comparison and contrast”. While studying different time periods and events, students must incorporate critical thinking skills and problem solving in order to show understanding and deeper connections. Also, simulations, debates, and presentations are part of the program. These speaking opportunities allow students to gain confidence in the classroom and showcase what they have learned. Finally, students develop research and information literacy skills. These skills provide a strong foundation for upper school history course s and prepare students for the challenges ahead.

2014年7月5日 星期六



Reading and Writing






  Our English program firmly rests on the foundational pillars of writing, reading, and oral expression competency that are necessary for solid language development.

  Writing is a key component of the school English and students will experience writing in various genres, but mainly focus on informative and expository forms. In order for school students to have a common language regarding writing, the English program utilizes six traits: voice, organization, ideas, sentence fluency, word choice, and conventions. Communicating critical thinking and logical development of thought into a clear organized written form is a cornerstone expectation of the school English program.

  Congruently, writes must read. Therefore, reading for school students is the second key element of English competency addressed by the program. Developing the skill of literature analysis is essential in our school English program. Reading assists students to generate more ideas and opinions that enrich what they have to say while developing effective habits of comprehension.

Students will not only demonstrate reading comprehension through writing, but through small and large group discussion. Subsequently, these ideas and analysis will be more formally conveyed in various oral presentations that exhibit articulate, professional, and expressive English language acquisition.

School students experience an English program that rigorously develops the essential language acquisition that thoroughly prepare students for academic success.




 Perceptual and rational rendezvous

  藝術課程中的舞蹈(樂舞集)教導學生基礎舞蹈和編舞技巧,鼓勵學生傳達思考、意見和瞬間感受,學生探索和發現不同的肢體語言和音樂創作。戲劇課程幫助學生有效溝通,學生從即興創作,表達規畫和品格發展,透過一年的音樂課程鼓勵, 傾聽、創作、合作,從樂理中強化對音樂的理解。

必修和學術課程是學生學習的中心,這課程每年都必須修習,那就是數學。數學是科學、商業和每日生活的工具,它幫助學生做決定,教學目標是幫助學生解釋定量數據,發展數學模式,和澄清邏輯論證。 在數學實驗班,學生探索數學、統計、概率、幾何,由具體到抽象,加深加廣提升能力,從獨立工作和團隊學習中發展數學技能。我們強調高層次的思考、解決問題和創新策略。在實際情境中說明和增強數學邏輯思考,在課程要素中以整體課程增強學生解決問題能力,此外,以不同的方法提升學生能力。


The dance program teaches basic dance and choreography techniques, and encourages students to communicate ideas, thoughts, and feeling through movement. Students explore and discover different parts of their bodies, while creating shapes and inventing movement to music or sound scapes. The drama program assists students to become more effective and powerful communicators. Students build skills in improvisational theater, voice projection, and character development. The annual middle school musical encourages our students to apply the skills they have learned. The music program offers students performing opportunities in strings, band and choir and creative opportunities in music technology through music mix. In all classes students are encouraged to master skills in listening, creating, collaborating, and music theory to support their musical understandings.

Mathematics as a core classes consist of a compulsory, academic courses that are of central importance to a student’s education. These courses build upon each other year after year of study.

Math is a tool of power in science, engineering, business, and everyday life. It assists us to model the world around us and provides the tools we need to the decisions. The goal of the mathematics department is to assist students to interpret quantitative data, develop mathematical models, solve problems, and formulate clear and logical arguments.

In math class, students explore concepts in arithmetic, statistics, probability, and geometry with an increasing level of difficulty, and begin a formal study of algebra. Ideas are introduced through a
logical progression from the concrete to the abstract. Students continue to develop their math skills through individual work and cooperative learning opportunities.

We emphasize higher level thinking skills and problem solving strategies that involve investigation, application, and interpretation. Real-world applications are used to illustrate and reinforce mathematical ideas. Technology plays an integral component in the curriculum, allowing students to examine scenarios that otherwise not be available to them.