Good character is about knowing the good, loving the good, and doing the good.
First , knowing the good includes coming to understand good and evil. It means
First , knowing the good includes coming to understand good and evil. It means
developing the ability to sum up a situation, deliberate , choose the right thing to
do ,and then do it. Aristotle called this practical wisdom. But practical wisdom is not
just about time management ; it is about prioritizing and choosing well in all spheres
of life. It is about the ability to make wise commitments and keep them.
Second, Loving the good means developing a full range of moral feelings and emotions, including a love for the good and contempt for evil, as well as capacity to empathize with others.
Third, doing the good means that after thoughtful consideration of all the circumstances and relevant facts, we have the will to act.
Sow a thought and you reap an act;
Sow an act and you reap a habit:
Sow a habit and you reap a character:
Sow a character and you reap a destiny.
So I think : Abilities need to be developed and honed; flaws must be identified and systematically reduced.(能力需要琢磨和發展;缺點需要發現和矯正)And a question: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? This is a only answer: Practice! Practice! Practice!
But effort and practice alone don’t make a fine art, though. The artist needs a vision, a standard of perfection toward which he or she aims all this effort.要成為完美的藝術家,只有努力和練習是不夠的,他還需要願景和完美的標準,朝目標努力。