上次我談些甚麼?上次談到嬰兒如何學走路,談到他們如何學會畫圈圈。都是通過不斷的失敗,愛迪生說:我從失敗中獲得成功。我們從最頂尖的運動員身上看到,不論是喬丹或其他人。我們從最頂尖的生意人,不管事IBM 的創始人Thomas Watson或其他人,我們從藝術家和科學家身上看到,最成功的人也是失敗最多的人,而他們就是那些深刻明白失敗的價值與重要性的人。我保證沒有人喜歡失敗,失敗讓人受傷,讓人極度失望,讓人沮喪,也極度尷尬。但是那些最成功的人,都確認失敗和從失敗中學習的價值。
有一本非常好的書,作者是 Warred Bennis 書名是「駭客與怪傑」,在這本書裡,他將30出頭的年輕人和老一代的,在劃時代裡真正有所成就的領袖人物,他們大多七十、八十甚至九十歲,他將兩組人做比對,駭客,指那些年輕人;怪傑,指年長者,而他發現有一些非常有趣也很有意義的差異,存在於20多到30出頭的成功人士與年長成功領袖之間,其中最明顯的差異就是工作與生活的平衡,這對於年輕的成功人士非常重要。他們自己也經常談論這些,但是對於年長一代的成功人士,這幾乎是一個外來的觀念。
work life balance
Recently I learned about recovery. At time ,
away from work really relax.
Every year when I work luck something
happens. The first year, I remember I actually discovery my interest is music.
Second time, I bought computer. And this year, I get a new job. Every time
something happens. Walk the talk.
So where was I last time? Last time we talked
about how baby learned how to walk. We learned about how they learned to draw
circles. And all through failure .Thomas Edison said: I learned my way I failed
my way to success.” And we saw it with the top athletes, whether it was Michael
Jordan or other. We saw it with top business people , whether it was Thomas
Watson, IBM or other. We see it with artist and scientist the most successful
ones are also the ones who failed the most, and these are the ones who
understand the value and the importance of failure. I guarantee you then none
of them enjoy failing. Failing hurts; disappointing at best, it’s frustrating;
it’s embarrassing often. However, people who ultimately succeed recognize that
value of failure and learning from it.
There’s a wonderful book that came out
recently by Warren Bennis, which is called “Geek and Geezers”. And in this
book, he compared very successful leaders who were young, early 30s and older
generation leaders, people who have really made it, big time leaders who are
now in their 70s and 80s, sometimes 90s. And he compared those two groups: the
geeks the young ones; the geezer, the older ones. And what he found was that
there were a number of very interesting and meaningful differences between the
generations of again highly successful late 20s or early 30s years old and
highly successful older individuals. One of the most notable differences was that
work life balance, which is very
important for the late 20s, early30s. Very important- they talked about it
constantly, whereas for the 70 80 90 year olds, it was almost a foreign
does that even mean? Why? Because they were at work usually 7-24. All of them
in that sample were men. And the women were at home, taking care of the life
part. So there was a work life balance- where they were doing the work, the
wives were doing the life. Whereas the younger generation, men and women in
that sample and talking about the work life balance. There are a few other
differences as well, but there is one similarity, one thing that was common to
both groups. And that was at least one, usually more than one significant
failure, and call” a crucible” a real crisis, whether it was a meaningful loss
or losing a job being fired, one’s identity being insulted, loss of person.
Some real serious crucible, a failure. That was common to both groups, and both
groups thought that failure as a pivotal point, as a turning point in their
lives. Something that helped them became who they are today.