激發潛能 培養自尊
No life is completely immune to those, in
other word, we can use is of an engine. If we have a small engine and we have
to pull the car up a steep hill, a difficult hill, the engine is more likely to
collapse, to blow up. Whereas if our engine is large, we are much more likely
to get up that hill, and to do it gracefully with relative ease. So we
cultivate the positive, we are strengthening our, metaphorically speaking,
psychological engine. Help student cultivate capacity, the capacity to deal
with these difficulties and hardships when they arise and they will arise. In
other words, there has to be more resources put in places such as helping
students identity their passions when they come here, helping students identity
their sense of meaning in life, helping students identity what they really, really,
really want to do. Helping students overcome the pull, the external pull that
is often there, taking them away from their core, helping them chip away those
limitations, those voices, helping students identify who they really are,
helping students identify their strengths, and pursing those while here at
Fuhsing. All these capabilities.
All these skills or skills that are mostly
and I’m not just talking about Fuhsing, globally- not taught in schools, and we
need to teach students. And think “How can I make this world a better place?”
Passionate. Idealistic Good-in the deep sense, good. This desire to make a
difference come into just about all students. There are many people who talk
about this generation as the “ME” generation all care about all this generation
care about is “well, let me just make make more money”, ”let me just get a
bigger house”, “let me just be more succeed and accrue more honor, more
prestige. Teenage had all the good intentions in the world, I have all the good
intention in the world. I want to do good. I’ve donated my time, my money. But
I feel that something is missing, I feel that I’ve fallen short of my potential
to really make a difference. Why? Because good will and idealism, while
necessary, they are not sufficient. Not enough. Because very often, with very
good intentions, we may fall short of what we are capable of doing or in some
situation, even hurt more than help. And we’ll Look at some of these studies
hopefully still today with very good intentions actually hurt more they helped.
If we see the seed of greatness in the
students that seed of greatness is more likely to flourish. And again, that’s
important. But it’s also important to know how to praise.